After the car accident in October 2023 in my Volvo, December came along and the insurance paid up, so I went on a journey to Hayling Isleand near Portsmouth to get a new van.
The journey took 6 hours via London and on 2 trains, while luckily avoiding train strikes and going via Mordor which is never a pleasure these days 😉 but it was well worth the wait, no wheels for 2 months and well worth the journey!
I just stayed in RooDee Van for the first time recently for 7 days! It was so cosy and snuggly, it will be an awesome summer this year for sure, and We will have some fun! 😉 Happy Days! 🙂
Took some lovely pics of myself on route and made a very over excited video when I got home… With a glass of Vino, yum and yum and bring on the summer! 😉 haha
Meet RooDee Van…